Friday, March 11, 2016

5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Fictional Foods.

I'm back for another 5 Fandom Friday!  This week's prompt is favorite fictional foods, which is an interesting one for a picky eater like myself--sometimes I daydream about liking ordinary things like hamburgers, so in my world, "a tasty hamburger" is sort of like a fictional food. :-P

But there are a few foods I've come across in books (and film) that I'd really like to try, and hope I'd love, so let's get to those ones, shall we?

1. Lembas - Elvish waybread ("The Lord of the Rings")

One small bite can fill the stomach of a grown man!


I've wanted to try lembas since I first read the books in high school.  Bread is one of the few foods I do really like, and lembas sounds awesome.

There are a lot of recipes online to try it, but I haven't yet.  I stumbled on this one (pictured below) just today, though, and it's so simple that I think I'll need to try it soon!

Pic from this recipe--check it out! :-)

I'll still always daydream about trying the real thing, though. ;-)

2. Butterbeer ("Harry Potter")

Doesn't every Potterhead want to head to The Three Broomsticks for a hot mug of butterbeer?


I finally went to Universal Studios in Orlando a few months ago (or "Harry Potter World", as I call it), and got to try the closest thing to the real deal that we muggles will ever get.  Hot was good, but the frozen version was one of the best things I have ever tasted in my life.

3. Turkish Delight ("The Chronicles of Narnia")

I know this one's not actually fictitious, but it makes my list because I thought for years that it was a made-up thing from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".

Turkish Delight. (THIS was the movie version that I grew up on.  Love the new one, but this right here is my childhood!)

It seemed like such a magical thing.  And if it was enough to get Edmund to betray his siblings to the White Witch, it had to be good, right?

Turkish Delight.

So then I found out it was a real thing, and then I FOUND SOME in a store, and bought it, and I was SO EXCITED!  Turns out, it's absolutely disgusting.  Or at least the rose- and lemon-flavored ones are.  I've heard there are other flavors, so maybe some of those are better, but I'm not sure I'll have the courage to try it again if I ever find another kind.

So to me, this one's still kind of fictitious: delicious Turkish Delight.

4. District Bread ("The Hunger Games")

As I mentioned above, bread is one of my favorite foods, so any time a book makes a big deal about some sort of bread, I start drooling.  And bread is central to "The Hunger Games".  I wanted to try all the districts' breads!

District Bread (post series here).

...So I did!  Last year, I tackled a project I'd been wanting to try since I first read the books: I researched each district, and used what Suzanne Collins wrote about the few breads she described along with what we knew of the districts, and came up with a bread recipe to represent each one.  While some are a bit of a stretch, I strove for accuracy for the ones that Collins did describe--I'm especially proud of my District 11 bread, and I think District 4 turned out pretty well, too. :-)  So while I'd still love to know what Collins would consider "the real thing" for each district, I think I did all right! ;-) (You can find the master list, with links to each individual recipe post, here.)

5. Mudder's Milk ("Firefly")

As Jayne explains it, "All the protein, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus fifteen percent alcohol!"

Mudder's milk.

Although Simon goes on to explain that it's basically "liquid bread", like what was fed to the ancient Egyptians' slaves, I'm fairly certain this is one "bread" that I'd actually hate.  But I'd still want to try it!  Besides, "A Man They Called Jayne" is really a great drinking song, right?  Seemed to go over well in Jaynestown, anyway. :-)

Might just need to wash it down with some butterbeer. ;-)

So what are some fictional foods you wish you could try?


  1. Haha, Turkish Delight is totally gross, and I'm not a fussy eater. I wouldn't waste your time tracking down the other flavours. :-P

    1. Thanks for the tip! Yeah, I was pretty sure the "gross" flavor went beyond the rose and lemon.... :-P

  2. All of that District bread looks amazing!

  3. Yay, I picked Mudder's Milk too - virtual (possibly tipsy on milk) fist bump!

    1. *Tipsy fist bump* Next round's on me! ;-)

  4. Right with you on the lembas bread. In fact, I made some of the blog a couple years ago! I think Mudder's milk would be interesting to try too!

    1. Ooh, I just pinned your lembas bread recipe! Looks yummy. :-) I'm off to browse your other geeky recipes now, too! :-)

  5. The iced Butterbeer at Universal is seriously the best :)

    1. SO. GOOD. I still find myself craving it about once a week, along with the maple-iced cinnamon rolls from Gaston's Tavern at Disney World that I had that same vacation. Those were seriously two of the best things I have ever tasted!!

  6. I had some chocolate Turkish Delight (which I had also assumed was fictional) at Dublin Castle in Ireland when I was studying literature there, and it was really not anything to write home about, except for the fact that I was eating Turkish Delight in a castle!

    1. Turkish Delight in an Irish castle!! That'd definitely be an experience worth writing home about! :-)

      Chocolate Turkish Delight sounds a little weird, though. I mean, I generally like chocolate, but gelled? Iffy. :-P

  7. I agree - Turkish Delight is so gross! :) And I loved your Hunger Games Bread series!

    1. Thanks! It was such a fun series to work on! :-)

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